Frequently Ask Questions

How do I resolve error during registration?

The most common cause of error during registration after Online Trade setup, it means your server mail() function is disabled or does not support the mail driver used by Online Trade, you should either talk to your hosting support to enable the mail() function or switch to another host.

Luckily different email drivers are availble for you to choose from before considering switching to a different server. This configuration can be done in the Email/login captcha Settings You can change the mail driver to sendmail or smtp or even use custom mailing system like mailgun or mailtrap.

SMPT has been known to be compatible with a lot of servers, hence you can simply use the smtp driver and supply the required credentials (Host, port, username, password, encryption type) to the mail configuration section login as an admin > Settings> App settings> Email/login captcha > change Mail server from send mail to SMTP.

Example Of SMTP Details;

  • Host:
  • Port: 465
  • Username:
  • encryption type = ssl

How do I resolve error on logo and KYC images?

If you notice your KYC images are not being displayed or your logo is not displaying after uploading it correctly, Kindly login as an admin, or go to >> settings page, under site preference then ensure your website URL includes http:// or https:// as applied to your domain.

Difference Between Regular licence and Extended Lincense

Extended license is best suited for business as it allows you to customize the product to meet your needs and then retain all modifications for future use on different domains. For example, you can decide to change your website domain name or business name anytime and reuse same license with your customization, you don’t get an extra charge for it.

while the Regular License can only be used on one domain, this means you need multiple license for each domain if there is any need to switch to a new domain name

What is minimum possible return and Maximum possible return rate?

Minimum return is the minimum profit an investor expects to make from an investment, taking into account the risk of the investment.

whileMaximum return/b> rate is the maximum profits an investor can expect to get from an investment.

What is gift bonus on investment plans?

A gift bonus provides you with free bonus for investing in a particular plan and it is normally credited to your account when ever you purchase the plan.

How do I configure the referral link to my domain name?

  • Login as admin to Online Trade and change the site url field on settings page.
  • Changes will reflect for new registrations.
  • If you have a wrong referral link for old users already, you can manually edit the "ref_link" column on the "users" table from PHPMyAdmin.